• FAQs


    What exactly is therapy?

    Therapy, psychotherapy or counseling is a voluntary, collaborative process of communication and trust between you (the client) and myself (the therapist). Through questions, discussion, and active listening, I help you identify the current problem(s) and explore steps to accept or change it.

    How does therapy work?

    You schedule an appointment at my office and during the “session” we discuss, explore and brainstorm about whatever your concern. We also discuss the positive and successful parts of your life. No topic is off limits.

    Sometimes clients are given “homework” which are assignments completed between sessions based on the topics discussed in session.

    What can I discuss in therapy?

    You can talk about whatever you would like. The client always chooses the discussion and it’s pace. It’s my job to steer the discussion towards the client’s goals and problem solutions. For example, if a client enters therapy to reduce his social anxiety but spends the session discussing the NFL draft, as therapist, I need to clarify and challenge the client’s identified problem and goals.

    How long does therapy take?

    The therapy session lasts between 50 to 55 minutes. In a broader sense, therapy can take as little as 1 session and as long as months or years. The speed at which a client improves depends on the client and their goals and motivation. Ultimately, you, the client decide when you’re finished therapy.

    Is what I discuss in therapy confidential?

    Yes, but here are a few exceptions. If a client discusses a plan to harm
    themselves or harm an identified person, I have to report this to the police immediately. If a client names a person who had ever sexually abused them, I am mandated to report this to CPS. Lastly, if it was disclosed that any named minor or named elderly person is experiencing abuse, I report this to authorities at once.

    Are there rules in therapy?

    My only rules for therapy are honesty, mutual respect, and non-violence.

    What if I have to miss an appointment?

    You need to call 24 hours before the appointment to cancel. If you give
    less than 24 hours notice, you are responsible for the cost of the session. Your insurance does not cover this cost. This is standard policy for therapists in private practice.

    Can my spouse, partner or family members come with me?

    Yes. Family members are always welcome and can be a vital part of a clients progress and recovery. Be warned, what you share in family therapy is not longer confidential. Neither you nor I have control over what information others choose to discuss and share.

    What makes you qualified to help me?

    I have a lot of varied clinical experience. I’m a great listener. I genuinely care about and respect people. I’m human. I’ve experienced my share of joy, disappointment, success, and struggle. I’m a problem solver and I recognize patterns in human behavior. Some patterns are successful and some are unsuccessful.

    What if therapy doesn’t work?

    You are free to share any complaints or concerns with me as well as end therapy at any time, for any reason. This is a voluntary process. I encourage clients to attend at least 4 consecutive therapy sessions before making a decision about the effectiveness of therapy. Also, I always appreciate some notice of your plans as opposed to an abrupt end and disappearance with no communication.

    I have a few questions for you:

    Why do you want therapy at this time?
    How consistent are you in attending scheduled appointments?
    What are your goals for therapy?

    If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.